I did it! 50,046 words in a novel I decided to write for NaNoWriMo 2017. I started this adventure doubting I would achieve that goal and I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled it out of the bag on the final day, to limp across the finish line. Here's the synopsis I wrote back in October 2017 for the book and the cover that I had designed by a nice lady in Brazil. The Sirrupa family run it all. From High-quality imports to addictive “street” products. Nothing comes into the country without their knowledge, at least that had been the case until now. An underground movement rebelling against this monopoly will go to any lengths to undermine the Sirrupa domination of the market. The Sirrupa Family also influence power within the Police, Government and food retail, making any disruption to the market nigh impossible. One man is about to change all this. Known as the Lichfield Ice Cream King to his underground followers, Spencer to his friends, he has been planting the seed
I'm not enjoying the editing process as much as I did the writing process, but it's all new so still exciting in its own way. My wife has read my first edit and added her own comments, suggestions and feedback. It was certainly a worthwhile exercise, as it highlighted a thinking issue (of mine) that I hadn't really thought about before (pun intended?). There are things I've written about in the manuscript that I assume the reader knows about, purely because "I" know about it and hadn't written it down for them to consume yet. These aren't major things, but it's just a thing I needed to learn about my writing style. Some inconsistencies need to be addressed, apparently my tense is a little here and there. So I'm now trying to find time to go through all my wife's notes and begin the second edit proper. I've got the afternoon off work tomorrow (catching up on time owed from working at the weekend) to progress as much as I can. Once
Well, the concept art for the cover has been selected and is now with the designer to polish and produce the final cover! Am very excited to see this in all it's glory and as soon as it has been finished I'll post it for you to see. Or maybe I'll keep it secret. Maybe I'll post it ... Editing The editing is coming along steadily. I'm re-reading the book as I go which is reminding me of things I introduced months and months ago that need to be removed, polished, burned and buried. It's giving me an insight as to what you guys will read and my red pen is getting a good work out. Additional material I've already cut a couple of chapters of exposition out that aren't really necessary for the book, but they were useful bits of information. I may build a Wiki of sorts on the website for some of this, as it might be of interest for those that actually like the novel (I hope there's at least one person) and want to know more about the lore and hi
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