1 Week to Oz

Well it's about time I kept up to date with a Blog, been meaning to do it for years.  I start one, then never update it.  Lets see if 2011 can be different!

Firstly, congratulations to NASA and the crew of Discovery on a near fault-less launch.  Just watched the Post-launch briefing, good job guys.  Will be watching R2 with interest to see how he ("he" has a gender) gets on over the coming months.

Secondly, only 1 week until I take the 24 flight to Australia to see my best buddy, and long time drinking parter! Flying with Etihad for the first time, have high hopes.  Gonna make it to the Future Music Festival 2011 in Melbourne, really looking forward to that.  Heard Zane Lowe say on the radio last night, he's off for 3 weeks, yeah and will hopefully see him in Oz!  (Not personally, I'm not THAT well connected!)

Also going to check out the Food and Wine festival and possibly Moomba?  Bring it on!

What else ...

Going to have to do a complete redesign on my website (beakz.net), it's been YEARS since I did anything on it, and should get it updated with all my YouTube, BlogSpot and Twitter stuff!  Should really look at updating 100thingsihateabout.com and get it onto Facebook as an app, would be used then at least!

Shame that the fans of the DeFranco Nation missed out on a meet up in London this time, but sounds like Phil and Linz were suffering a bug of some sort, so don't blame them for postponing.  I think a planned event in the summer Phil would be awesome, I know I'll be there.  You best bring your drinking boots, that's one thing we're good at over here :)

Well, will try and post something every few days, and when out in Oz.


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