A new toy

I purchased a refurbed ASUS MeMO 7" tablet to do all my Social Media stuff on. My old HTC One phone does everything I need a phone to do, but I'm not spending hundreds of pounds on a new one when this one works fine. Remember when a phone had buttons, actual real buttons? Anyway, I use WiFi where ever I am rather than data on my phone contract, and that costs me about £9 per month for the privilege (rather than £30 to £40 for a contact with new phone). If I do need to use data, I can use the WiFi hotspot on the phone for the tablet.

But I digress. The tablet is actually not bad at all. Some of the reviews said that it lacked power in the higher end 3d games, but as I don't play games, it's plenty fast enough for the UI and it's nice, smooth and responsive.  I saved about £50 getting a refurbished model, although it does have some cosmetic scratches on the back (which I'll only add too), it's fine otherwise.

The basic spec:

  • 1280x800 pixel IPS Screen
  • Quad-core 1.3Ghz Mediatek MT1825 CPU
  • 1GB RAM
  • 16GB Internal Storage
  • microSD Card slot
  • Android 4.2
It's not as powerful as many other models, but for the price it's not half bad.  It's nice to hold and I agree with the plasticy feel, but I don't mind that at all. It has a decent weight to it, not too light or too heavy, but I've not used many 7" tablets, so others would probably have a different opinion.

I just need to make a sleeve for it now and have a few ideas about that. I purchased a box of leather off-cuts a couple of years ago for some Steampunk stuff I was going to create. I never did. So I have lots of really nice leather that I'll make a sleeve for the tablet, make it a bit unique.  Although it may take me a while to find some time to squeeze that into my schedule!

Bonus Book Update

I've managed to squeeze a bit of writing into my paternity leave and have now got to 52k words in my manuscript. Getting to some good bits now, twists and turns a plenty. 


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